
using System;

Roslyn Adventures: Optimizing StringBuilder string interpolation

C# string interpolation is awesome. But we can make it even more awesome by making it less wasteful. Consider this line of code:

new StringBuilder().Append($"foo {1}");

Currently Roslyn emits the following IL for this call:

IL_0001:  newobj      System.Text.StringBuilder..ctor
IL_0006:  ldstr       "foo {0}"
IL_000B:  ldc.i4.1
IL_000C:  box         System.Int32
IL_0011:  call        System.String.Format
IL_0016:  call        System.Text.StringBuilder.Append

You see what it does there? Let’s translate that back to C#, to make it more obvious:

new StringBuilder().Append(string.Format("foo {0}", 1));

It [allocates](http://blog.marcgravell.com/2013/11/allocaction-allocation- allocation.html) another string and possibly even another StringBuilder. The thing is, you wouldn’t be using a StringBuilder if you weren’t concerned about allocations. My initial idea of how to solve this was FormattableString. So basically something like this:

class Foo
  public static void Bar(FormattableString str)
    Console.WriteLine("FORMAT: " + str.Format, str.GetArguments());

  public static void Bar(string str)
    Console.WriteLine("STRING: " + str);

  public static void Main()
    Bar($"a test {42}");

Unfortunately overload resolution doesn’t work in favor of the method accepting the FormattableString whenever there is an overload for the string parameter. So the example above would write STRING: a test 42 to the console. If we could make the overload resolution smarter (e.g. make the compiler create FormattableString instances wherever there’s an matching overload accepting FormattableString instead of a string argument) the solution would be as easy as creating Append/AppendLine(FormattableString) extension methods for StringBuilder.

Roslyn to the rescue

Luckily we can use Roslyn to do some metaprogramming magic and work around this. Basically we need to rewrite StringBuilder.Append/AppendLine calls to StringBuilder.AppendFormat:

new StringBuilder().AppendFormat("foo {0}", 1);

… in IL speak:

IL_0001:  newobj      System.Text.StringBuilder..ctor
IL_0006:  ldstr       "foo {0}"
IL_000B:  ldc.i4.1
IL_000C:  box         System.Int32
IL_0011:  call        System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat

Let’s create a reusable Roslyn-based solution that knows how to do that optimization.
We can use the class above to rewrite each SyntaxTree in a CSharpCompilation:

class StringBuilderInterpolationOptimizer : CSharpSyntaxRewriter
  private readonly SemanticModel _model;
  public StringBuilderInterpolationOptimizer(SemanticModel model)
    _model = model;

  // we use the semantic model to get the type information of the method being called
  private static bool CanRewriteSymbol(SymbolInfo symbolInfo, out bool appendNewLine)
    appendNewLine = false;
    IMethodSymbol methodSymbol = symbolInfo.Symbol as IMethodSymbol;
    if (methodSymbol == null) return false;

    switch (methodSymbol.Name)
      case "AppendLine":
      case "Append":
        if (methodSymbol.ContainingType.ToString() == "System.Text.StringBuilder")
          appendNewLine = methodSymbol.Name == "AppendLine";
          return true;
    return false;

  public override SyntaxNode VisitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax node)
    var memberAccess = node.Expression as MemberAccessExpressionSyntax;
    if (memberAccess != null && node.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count == 1)
      // check if the single method argument is an interpolated string
      var interpolatedStringSyntax = node.ArgumentList.Arguments[0].Expression as olatedStringExpressionSyntax;
      if (interpolatedStringSyntax != null)
        bool appendNewLine; // this distinguishes Append and AppendLine calls
        if (CanRewriteSymbol(_model.GetSymbolInfo(memberAccess), out appendNewLine))
          var formatCount = 0;
          var formatString = new StringBuilder();
          var formatArgs = new List<ArgumentSyntax>();

          // build the format string
          foreach (var content in interpolatedStringSyntax.Contents)
            switch (content.Kind())
              case SyntaxKind.InterpolatedStringText:
                var text = (InterpolatedStringTextSyntax)content;
              case SyntaxKind.Interpolation:
                var interpolation = (InterpolationSyntax)content;

                // the interpolations become arguments for the AppendFormat call
          if (appendNewLine)

          // the first parameter is the format string
                return node
    return base.VisitInvocationExpression(node);

Originally I wanted the optimization to do the same for TextWriter.Write/WriteLine and Console.Write/WriteLine calls, but it turns out that they actually call string.Format internally anyway. So, add that to the list of possible optimizations.


As you’ve seen by yourself, it’s not particulairly difficult to optimize the back and forth between string interpolation and StringBuilder. I really think optimizations like that should be in Roslyn. As long as that’s not implemented though, using string interpolation to build big string fragments (like for example HTML…) might be a bit more expensive than you might think.

Stay tuned for my next blog post, where I’ll show you how to plug the optimization into the metaprogramming infrastructure of DNX and/or [StackExchange.Precompilation](https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/07/announcing- stackexchange-precompilation/), if you’re not ready to migrate to vNext yet.